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Chapter 1
Real Numbers and Exponents
I will be able to identify the different types of rational numbers.
I will be able to order rational numbers and convert them from decimals to fractions and vice a versa.
Section Notes IXL/WKS
Rational Numbers

I will be able to calculate the value of exponents that have positive and negative bases.
I will be able to evaluate variable expressions.
I will be able to find powers of fractions and decimals.
Section Notes IXL/WKS
Powers and Exponents

I will be able to use the product of powers property and the quotient of powers property to simplify exponential expressions.
Section Notes IXL/WKS
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To simplify complex quotients, first simplify the numerator or the denominator
If there are multiple variables, combine only like variables

I will be able to use the power of a power property and the power of a product property to simplify exponential expressions.
Section Notes IXL/WKS
Powers of

I will be able to recognize that a negative exponent means it is the reciprocal of the given base.
I will be able to use the calculator to find negative exponents solutions.
Section Notes IXL/WKS
Negative Exponets
Two numbers which have a product of one are called reciprocals or multiplicative inverses
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I will be able to convert numbers between standard form and scientific notation.
I will be able to multiply and divide numbers in scientific notation.
Section Notes IXL/WKS
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Next, group all of the decimals together and group all of the powers of 10 together. Multiply. If the decimal is NOT 1 ≤ n < 10, you need to rewrite the problem so that 1 ≤ n < 10

I will be able to find the square root of a number by knowing perfect squares.
I will be able to find the cube root by finding the perfect cubes.
I will be able to find the square root of variables with exponents.
Section Notes IXL/WKS
Square and Cube Roots

Chapter 1 Project
The video below shows you how to make a foldable using 3 pieces of paper, you will use 4. You may use diffferent colors of paper, or the same color paper. Be creative, and impress me!!! Use your time wisely! Good Luck!
You will be constructing a foldable based on Rules of Exponents.
The requirements of your Rules of Exponent foldable are as follows:
Include these major categories: Powers, Product of Powers, Quotient of Powers, Power of a Power, Power of a Product, Negative Exponents, Scientific Notation.
In each category, be sure you give:
An explanation of the exponent rule, and at least (this is the minimum, it is better to do more for the highest possible grade) 2 examples per person in your group, For full credit use a variety of examples in each area, including numbers, variables, positive exponents and negative exponents.
Be creative and decorate your foldable in any way you choose!
If you feel extra creative, you can make a different type of foldable, as long as it contains all of the same information.
Work on your own or with a partner.
See if you can figure out this riddle!

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